Every year a monster crosses over into our world, tearing through the membrane that divides us. Every year we send one of our own as a sacrifice to satiate the beast. This time it's me.

The wind is cold and I don't have much time.

This mountain may be my prison, but it is also my arena. And the monster is not yet here. There must be something I can use to prepare a stronger defense.

I will not be just a sacrifice.


Five different endings based on player decisions. The story may not be as it first seems.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(48 total ratings)
GenreInteractive Fiction, Adventure, Puzzle, Survival
Made withTwine
TagsFantasy, Magic, Monsters, Multiple Endings, Mystery, Text based, Twine


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what is the point of using the acid on the stone


That clears up the debris and lets the magic in the stone work once again. If you keep playing after doing that, after a while you'll start to get messages that will lead you back to the stone.


Leaving a comment so it acts as a bookmark.


9/10 needs an ending where you just jump from the plateau out of spite


Great game! I wrote a lil article about my experience playing it on my blog.
Truly a transformative experience.


What a complimentary article, it means a lot to hear such eloquent feedback. Thank you! Also, wonderful alternate cover image by (I assume) your wife, please pass along my compliments! I'm curious, which two endings did you end up finding?


We are so glad you liked the article and the image! At the time of writing this article I initially got the endings 1 and 2. My wife and I are going to collect the rest of the endings hopefully write a 100% completion article since it seems we are only just getting to the best parts. 


The story definitely opens up as you discover the later endings, hope you enjoy the experience if you decide to continue playing!


Honestly got the first ending on my first try then the fifth ending. And I think after reading the comments I am pretty content with the ending 5 I wish to have a happy end 🤧 poor ayelth got killed in the other route it seems.


This is a fantastic game! I get all 5 endings and I gotta say, the writing here was excellent! I kinda guessed the true ending as soon as I realized what the stone was, but that didn't stop it from being amazing!

(1 edit) (+1)

This is really good. I'm glad I came back to check itch.io again, and it's because of gems like this. 

Now imagine if talking to her is also a quick-time event...


Great game. I'm happy that the wholesome ending is canon, though after that I'd like to have a word with those village elders...


OUGH played the game again and it hits just like it did the first time i am. impossibly attached to this game you have no idea. like . usually i don't replay stuff but i HAD TO for this. there's just something about your writing and this world that really makes me feel.


I really appreciate it!

(1 edit) (+2)

I got to talk to her and stuff but i can't get how not fight with her?? Is that a option?? Can we both come out alive?

I feel bad because i kinda killed her many times


You're on track! Try approaching the fight without wearing the mask, then choose the new option that is available.


I knew it. I knew it as soon as the stone turned out to be a rune for communicating. I just panicked cuz I couldn't talk to her lol. 


Oh man. I got the true ending first try and I didn't even see the twist coming. It felt like a gut punch, I cried like a baby. This is absolutely beautiful, painful storytelling and I absolutely cannot wait to see what you write next. Thank you.

I appreciate it, thanks.


i loved the story, as i followed the story's flow i got the true ending my first time :) took me a second to guess but geez the alternative good ending hits hard, loved your work~!

Glad you enjoyed the story. Thanks for playing~

Deleted post

I've only managed to get endings 1 and 2, could I get a hint as to how to get the others? do any of them have to do with timing or if I wear the mask or not?

(1 edit)

Sounds like you're on track. You'll want to develop the jar of acid, since it is needed for the other three endings. Not sure how much you've done, but you'll need to discover the water source (and block it) as well as explore the dark parts of the cave.

If I had to guess, it's probably the waiting mechanic that's getting you stuck. For example, waiting in the dark for your eyes to adjust so you can move forward. It takes a few seconds of not clicking anything. You'll need to do something similar when searching for the water source.

Let me know if you need more specific hints.


I now have the first four endings, how do I get the fifth? Ive done the same thing both with and without the mask and still got the bitter victory ending. Sorry if I'm being kinda oblivious here, I aint the best at noticing things

(1 edit) (+1)

ohh never mind got the fifth, thank you!

that hit me right in the brain holy shit


oh. MY GOD. this is INSANELY GOOD!!!

I appreciate it!

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for playing~


Got all the endings except for 3! This was lovely. I lost track of how many times I got ending 2, but it was a lot because I kept thinking something would change later down the line. And then I had a heck of a time getting ending 4 because of how similar it is to 2. Got there in the end though! Thanks for making this! Loved the mechanics and the story.

I appreciate it! Nice dedication there.


I found the true ending on my first try but it took so much guessing and thinking- it's so good and touching and I can't bring myself to try again- not after this happy ending. Thank you for this- it's great.

Thanks for playing! I'm always happy to hear when the story is received well. Great job sticking through and finding the true ending on your first try~


i nearly gave up after finding the frog @-@
glad i pushed through thou :D


I am touched for the true end.



This was a fantastic game, especially the best ending! I really liked the use of time based elements. Is there a way to download this? I was hoping to slightly modify the text of a few parts before sharing. 


Thank you! Unfortunately, there's not really a way to download this one, but I appreciate your interest.


Excellent story! I normally think text based games are simple, but I really enjoyed how you made a part with "quick time events" and implemented waiting as a mechanic.

The true ending was also quite cathartic. After that, the title of the game takes on a whole new meaning :)

I appreciate it!


well that was a twist.

i cant seem to get it to allow me to start from the beginning


This depends a bit on your internet browser, but if you clear history and cookies it should wipe the save data from the game, resetting it. This will also clear any other save data from other online games as well, so keep that in mind. I should have added a full reset button, sorry about that.

Another option would be to use an incognito or private browsing window to play the game, which will give you a fresh start. This doesn't clear any other save data, but the downside is that you can't save your progress if you want to come back afterwards.

i got all the endings but wanted to see if having the sword at the end made any difference


Nice work finding all the endings. There is no real change with keeping the sword at the end, just a slight wording difference. Probably not worth replaying to see it haha.


Hello, I'm not sure if you're still looking at these comments, but I'm playing and enjoying this game quite a bit. However,  I'm stumped as how to get any ending other than the bad one. I've got the nuts and found the magic stone, but I have no idea what do with them.  Could you give me any hints? In any case, this is a great game, and I'm so glad I found it. 


Thanks for the comment, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'm not sure how many things you've collected so far, but the jar of acid is at least one item you'll need to get for any of the better endings. Try spending some time around the pond searching for the source if you haven't found it already. Also, the cave has a lot of important items inside if you can find a way to move the stones away from the entrance. Both inside the cave and at the pond have moments where you must just wait for a short while to have things appear, which is hinted at by certain comments in the text. (For example: It would be foolish to continue without letting my eyes adjust to the dark.)

If I've guessed wrong and you've already figured out those things I've mentioned, or if I was a bit too vague with my hints, let me know and I'd be happy to explain a bit more.


Yes, that helped. I was able to get the other four endings. I guess I didn't anticipate that waiting was going to be a mechanic in this game.

Endings Four and Five are some powerful stuff. I got some chills, I think. Really great storytelling. 

I'm glad the story hit for you. Thanks for taking the time to play!


Cannot believe I got the true ending in one run, this was a lovely game!! The music was beautiful too, very enchanting and haunting. I also love that I don't have a limited number of turns despite the narrative feeling time-based, because I am horrid under time crunches / pressure.

True ending on first try is an achievement! I haven't seen that before. Thanks for playing~


same! after repairing that stone I just knew and got ending 5!

(2 edits) (+1)

Heyho! I'm enjoying your game a lot!
I've found endings 1,2 and 3, however I'm a bit stumped on the last ones... Do they have something to do with the "...hello?" in the main screen?
___ EDIT: Oh, I've found something! O_O
___ EDIT2: I found ending 4...
Any hints on ending five?
Thanks and stay funky,


Glad to hear! To find ending 5, unlock the ending 4 path then choose not to wear the mask before the battle.

(1 edit) (+1)

Oooh I see! Thank you!
What a nice twist! I have to admit I didn't see it coming :)


I have gotten the fourth ending and I have cried.


I love this game but I feel like a horrible person, (which of course means that you did a fantastic job with the writing!)

I got all of the endings except for 4, and I'm pretty satisfied with not finding out what happens there.

The writing was fantastic and the ending is perfect, thank you for the experience.

Comments like this keep me going! Thanks.

how do you clean the stone without using the acid

(2 edits)

You need the acid to clean the stone, but it is still possible to defeat the beast without it. It's just a lot more challenging. You will get a different ending.

(1 edit)

This is where I'm stuck ... the stone is clean, but ... "nothing happens"? I got 1-3 so far. Any tips?

Very atmospheric game.

This next bit is linked to an event counter, so just travel between different locations from the main hub area a couple times. That's the screen with the image of the island. You'll start to see italicized text show up at the hub, just follow it to the rune and you'll be prompted for the next sequence. This happens again later, so keep that in mind.


This worked. Thank you. Great ending.


Do you need the acid jar in the fight for ending 3?

Yes, for ending 3 you need a 'perfect run' with the best weapons.


I loved it to bits. Excellent game and a perfect theme, centred around the fantasy of an almost horror-like world. Make more like this!  I'm yet to find all the endings yet though...

Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! If you need any hints on those endings you can't find, let me know.


I made an account to comment on this, I really loved this game, very well done. I got all the endings, and number 4 made me v v sad. Awesome game

That really means a lot, thank you! Great work finding all the endings as well.


Found endings 1, 2, 3, and 5! Have some suspicions on what happens in 4, so not gonna do it :x

Hey, great work finding the true ending! And yes, your suspicion is most likely correct with ending 4.